The fact that we have come this far is absolutely incredible. This entire experience has been such a fun and interesting learning process. From writing and illustrating to design and self-publishing, to building a budget and running a Kickstarter campaign. Every step of the way I have had to learn something new...or actually A LOT of new things. It has definitely been one of my most rewarding and challenging experiences yet and I could not be more proud with how much success we have had so far. A very sincere and humble thank you to everyone that supported us and believed in this project. We could not have done it without the support from each and every one of you.
All of the pledges will be collected in the next week or so and we will be hard at work getting things going. I will be sending out updates on our progress every now and then to keep you up to date. In the near future you will also be receiving a request for the mailing address that you would like your rewards to be shipped to so stay tuned! We hope to have all of the rewards fulfilled for October 2015 to celebrate Autism Awareness Month in Canada!!